Terms and Conditions of Use

The website clicktotherapy.pl belongs to the company Clicktotherapy (VAT ID: 801457731, GEMI number: 157286703000) established and operating in accordance with the laws of Greece ("Clicktotherapy" or "Company") and is managed by it.

If you wish to use the website and the Clicktotherapy Services, you must read these terms and conditions of use carefully. By accessing or using the Software, or by "clicking" a button or a box indicating that you have read and agree to these terms of use, the Agreement is concluded. These terms and conditions regulate the access and use by any individual ("User" or "you") of the Software, and these terms and conditions apply to both ordinary visitors of the website and registered Users. If for any reason you do not agree to the terms of the Agreement, including the Privacy Policy, please discontinue access to the Software and participation in the Clicktotherapy Services.

The main purpose of Clicktotherapy is to enable Users to communicate with one of the Counselors. For this purpose, Clicktotherapy has created a platform that allows you to communicate with one or more Counselors to conduct online sessions using interactive communication tools.


For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions apply:

  • "We," "us," "our," and "Company" refer to Clicktotherapy and the cooperating (distributing) companies,
  • "Software" refers to the internet applications or mobile applications owned by the Company and used by Users, including cooperating Counselors, to provide and receive Counseling Services. The Software can be accessible or available through multiple websites, devices, and other means,
  • "Counselor" refers to the natural person who holds a license to practice as a psychologist, who has completed registration as a Counselor (participation as a Counselor has been accepted by the Company), and who provides Counseling Services through the Software,
  • "Counseling Services" are the advice, guidance, information, or any other observation or service provided by Counselors through Clicktotherapy,
  • "Clicktotherapy Services" mean the services provided to you by the Company through the use of its Software, and
  • "User(s)" means any natural person(s) who use the Software to receive Counseling Services.

Counselors and Counseling Services

  • Your Software allows you to communicate with a Counselor for the purpose of receiving Counseling Services.
  • After your registration on the Software, Clicktotherapy assigns a Counselor for you, chosen primarily based on their availability and any specialization in therapeutic techniques that interest you.
  • In case you are not satisfied with the Counselor assigned by Clicktotherapy for any reason, you can request another Counselor from Clicktotherapy at any time.
  • The Counselors are not our employees or representatives but independent professionals who operate in their own professional space and provide services using their own means. Furthermore, we do not assume any responsibility for any action or omission of any Counselor.
  • The process of matching the User with a Counselor is based on criteria beyond the Company's sphere of influence, and therefore, we do not bear any responsibility for the Counselor's willingness or suitability to provide advice that will be relevant, useful, accurate, satisfactory, or appropriate for the User's needs.
  • We do not conduct suitability checks on the Counselors before accepting them into the Platform, nor do we verify the accuracy of the information they provide, but only verify the minimum formal requirement of holding a professional license. We do not supervise the Counselors and do not receive information about the quality of the counseling services they provide. We do not evaluate the Counselors and do not exert any influence on how they provide their services.
  • Your relationship regarding the Counseling Services is strictly with the Counselor. We are not involved in any way with the actual substance of the relationship or any part of the Counseling Services, and we do not endorse or participate in the Counseling Services.
  • By making payments through the Software, the payment is made to the Counselor for the Counseling Services, who receives a fixed fee. We also receive the amount remaining from the initial cost of the selected session package after deducting the Counselor's fixed fee as a commission for the use and operation of the Software. The payment for the Counseling Service is made to our Company, which, however, operates on behalf of the Counselor regarding the collection of their fee. We will not be considered Counselors of any Counseling Services, regardless of payment.

Use of the Software and Navigation

  • You are free to navigate the clicktotherapy website pl (provided you accept the present Terms of Use). However, if you wish to use the Software, i.e., have a session with one of the Counselors working with the Company, you will need to register with our Software and create an account. Additionally, you will need to read and accept the "Privacy Policy." You can change your registration details at any time.
  • In order to receive Counseling Services, Clicktotherapy offers the option to pay for these services either via credit or debit card directly on Clicktotherapy, acting as the representative of the Counselor for your convenience. You will not incur any charges for Clicktotherapy's services, nor additional fees for the provision of Counseling Services to you.
  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that the Company designates a Counselor for you based on their availability, relying on the information provided by the Counselor, without having the ability to determine the availability of the Counselors and without being responsible for any modification, cancellation, or termination of the scheduled appointments. Counselors establish the appointment cancellation policy at their discretion and solely manage their availability calendar.
  • Upon completing the purchase of Counseling Services products available on the platform, Clicktotherapy charges your credit/debit card (as provided during your registration on the platform) with the specified amount corresponding to the product you purchased. An electronic confirmation will be sent to you, indicating that you have settled the relevant payment obligation.
  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that while the Counselor may provide Counseling Services through the Software, we cannot assess whether the use of the Counselor, the Counseling Services, or the Software is appropriate and suitable for your needs. The Software does not include the provision of medical care, mental health services, or other professional services by us. As operators of the Software, our role is strictly limited to facilitating communication between you and the Counselor to enable the provision of Counseling Services.
  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that you are aware that Counseling Services are not an absolute substitute for a personal examination by a certified and qualified professional. You should never rely on or make decisions regarding your health primarily based on information provided as part of the Counseling Services. Moreover, we strongly recommend considering seeking advice through a personal meeting with a certified and qualified professional. Never ignore, avoid, or delay seeking medical advice from a doctor or other healthcare professional due to information or advice received through the Software.
  • The provision of Counseling Services through the Software is not intended for diagnosis, including information related to drugs or treatments that may be suitable for you. You must disregard any such advice provided to you through the Platform.
  • DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE IN CASES OF EMERGENCY (e.g., suicidal tendencies, etc.) BUT CALL 166 IMMEDIATELY AND GO TO THE NEAREST PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC. You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that the Software is not designed for use in any of the above cases and you must not use the Software in any of the above cases.
  • The information and any articles presented in the Software reflect the personal opinions of the authors, are purely informative and advisory, and cannot substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of specialized professionals.
  • It is possible to have references to third-party websites through links/hyperlinks for the convenience of the users of the Software and the website. We emphasize that the websites to which reference is made are subject to the terms of use of the respective websites. The appearance of these links in the Software does not indicate approval or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by the Company, which assumes no responsibility for their content or for the privacy protection practices or accuracy of the materials contained therein.

Your Account, Representation, Conduct, and Commitments

  • You confirm that you are at least 18 years old.
  • You confirm and agree that all information you provide on or through the Software, and the information you will provide on or through the Software in the future, is accurate, true, and complete. Additionally, you agree that during the term of this Agreement, you will maintain and update this information to keep it accurate and complete.
  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and any other security information related to your account.
  • You agree to promptly notify us in case of any unauthorized use of your access to the account or any other concern about the security of your account.
  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for all activities conducted through the use of the Software.
  • You agree and commit not to use the Software to send or deliver: a) unsolicited electronic correspondence and/or advertisements or promotion of products and services; b) malicious software and code; c) illegal, harassing, invasive of privacy, abusive, threatening, racist, or potentially harmful content; d) any content that infringes intellectual property or third-party rights; e) any content that may cause harm to a third party; f) any content that may constitute, initiate, encourage criminal conduct, or violate any applicable law.
  • You agree and commit not to violate any law, rule, regulation, or code of ethics in relation to the use of the Software and your relationship with the Advisors and us.

Limitation of Liability

  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that we are not liable to you or any third party for any direct or indirect damage arising from the improper performance or non-performance of the duties of the Advisors or for any other indirect, consequential, incidental, special, exemplary, or punitive damages.
  • You agree, confirm, and acknowledge that the Company may assign Advisors to provide Advisory Services to you, but it will not evaluate the suitability, legality, or ability of each Advisor. The Company's role is limited to facilitating your communication with one or more Advisors, based on criteria both of you have set. You expressly waive and release the company from any and all claims, liabilities, or damages arising out of or in any way connected with the Advisor. The Company will not be a party to disputes, negotiations of disputes between you and the Advisor. You are solely responsible for the decisions you make regarding the services provided through the Software (with all its consequences). We will not evaluate the suitability, legality, or ability of any Advisors, and you expressly waive and release the company from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or damages arising from the use of the Software or Advisory Services.
  • In any event, you agree, confirm, and acknowledge that our total liability for damages arising out of this Agreement and any use of the Software shall not exceed the total amount of money you paid through the platform for a period of three months before the date of the claim.
  • This section shall continue to apply even after the termination of this agreement.

Intellectual Property

All content and any part of the Software, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, symbols, website names, industrial designs, images, photographs, background images, icons, navigation tools, texts, among others, of this Software or related products and goods displayed on the Software, are protected by intellectual property rights and belong to Clicktotherapy or third parties authorized by Clicktotherapy to engage in activities related to the Software. The User agrees to respect the intellectual property rights of Clicktotherapy and others and acknowledges that the intellectual property in this Software cannot be used in any way and by any means without the prior written permission of the owners of Clicktotherapy.

Clicktotherapy is not responsible for damages caused by a User or Consultant who has copied, transferred, distributed, or otherwise used protected content in this Software, violating the rights of third parties.


This Agreement cannot be assigned by you without the prior written approval of the Company, but can be assigned without your consent by the Company to (i) a parent or subsidiary company, (ii) an acquirer of assets, or (iii) a successor through merger. Any attempt to assign in violation of this article is void.

Important Notes for the Agreement

  • This Agreement and our relationship with you are interpreted according to Greek law. Disputes arising from the application of these terms will be primarily resolved amicably; however, if this is not possible, they will be governed by Greek law and fall under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens.
  • This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You confirm that you have not relied on any promise or guarantee from us other than what is stated in this Agreement.
  • You accept the possibility of us modifying the Agreement by publishing the amendments. Amendments take effect upon publication. We encourage you to frequently check the terms of this Agreement. Any use of the Clicktotherapy Service after any term changes will be considered an acceptance of the new terms without requiring any other written document.
  • The Company, through the Software, retains the right to, indicatively and not restrictively, take any of the following actions: a) record and store any communication of the visitor User with the website, including email communications and questions - answers to its partners, doctors, or others; b) investigate any complaint if any communication does not comply with its terms and conditions and, at its sole discretion, decide to withdraw or demand the withdrawal of such communication; c) remove communications and data sent by the visitor User that are considered offensive, illegal, or annoying, or that do not comply with the terms and conditions of the Company; d) delete registered members when they do not comply with the terms and conditions of the Company after their warning.
  • To avoid misunderstandings, all terms regarding limitation of liability and indemnification apply even after the termination of the Agreement.

Processing of Personal Data - Privacy Policy

Your privacy protection is important to us. For more information on how we collect and process your personal data, take some time to read and understand our Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of these terms of use.